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What's your first name?Age?
Anne, 50+
And your nickname in the dolls world? ennadoolf

Where do you live? Ontario Canada

Except the dolls what do you do in the life? Other hobbies?
I work at a day job. My main crafts are sewing and knitting. I am involved with Girl Guides of Canada - I do the bookkeeping for two units, and I also volunteer my time for e-guiding.com which is run by volunteer Guide leaders.

What are your favourite dolls? My original one, she is one of the American Girl Barbies.

Since how long do you collect them? I received my first Barbie as a child.

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How did you begin your collection?
With my first Barbie from the 1960s...she was the only one until many years later I got the Uptown Chic collector doll. I am very very selective and thus only have a few.

What would you like to say about your creations?
I've been making Barbie clothes for as long as I can remember. Every one is One Of A Kind (OOAK) - even if I wanted to, I don't think I could make two the same! I like to make sure that some of them have full open backs so that the younger children are able to dress dolls - little ones have a hard time understanding that the doll's feet must go into the dress first, then the arms. So I leave the back open so that they just put in the arms to dress the doll. Not all of the outfits are made like this. Many just look better and fit better when sewn closed, so I do. I prefer to make gowns and change things up - I have more fabric and ideas than time!

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More infos about you:
Supplies store on Etsy: http://www.PatternsAndSuch.etsy.com

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