

Image hébergée par servimg.com

What's your first name?

I am Jasmin or Jasz (like Jazz the music genre). I was the singer of a mod band in my 20s and all the Brits called me Jazz instead of Jasmin, so Jasz was getting my nickname and I decided to keep it to sign my paintings and drawings later.

Age? I am a thirty-something ;)

And your nickname in the dolls world? *jaszmade

Where do you live? I live in Berlin/Germany

Except the dolls what do you do in the life?
I am an illustrator/ graphic designer, colour addict and typography lover :)

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Other hobbies?
I love to customise Blythe, love Bowie, 60s culture and music, painting, photography, sewing, sleeping, love and cats – I have 2 kitties Gustav a Persian and Rosi a British Short Hair silver shaded sweeeeeetiiiie! I also love books but am too nervous to sit down and read so I listen to audiobooks while I work and craft

What are your favourite dolls?
I love Blythe, especially EBLs as they look a bit moody. The most beautiful Blythe in my eyes is StarD – she is just perfect but at the end of the day I love them all the same :D

Since how long do you collect them? Since september 2007

How did you begin your collection?
It happened by accident when I found a picture of Blythe on Google. It was love at first sight even if I never was a doll person before! Actually I really didn’t like dolls or dolly people before but Blythe strucked me like a bolt of lightning! For me she is the incarnation of the perfect 60s woman
so beautiful, pretty and cute
I fell in love and bought a Lounging Lovely on Ebay. Her name is Luna :)

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What would you like to say about your creations?
I am a 60s addict and you will find hints to the mod culture in nearly all of my creations. I think Blythe clothing should be as valuable as the doll herself, this is what I keep in mind when choosing and making these pieces of love – because Blythe deserves only the best!

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More infos about you:
Well, I am no blogger but have something like that on Blythe Network:

My flickr:

My etsy address:

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