

Image hébergée par servimg.com

What's your first name? Age?Beverly, 50+
And your nickname in the dolls world? MeMeBev

Where do you live? Leland, NC

Except the dolls what do you do in the life? Wife, Mother, Grandmother to 16. Sew, Knit, Crochet, Photography & Computer. I am a master of many blogs and websites for myself and others. Sew many gifts for children and grandchildren and to sell. Not good at describing myself!
Other hobbies? Sewing, crocheting, knitting, photography, computer, walking, reading

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What are your favourite dolls? No favorites just like to sew for them.

Since how long do you collect them? Don't collect, have doll for each to model clothing.

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What would you like to say about your creations? All creations come from my heart. I design as I go.

More infos about you:

1 comment:

synesthetick said...

love that 50s-style dress on barbie!