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What's your first name? shana Age? 27
And your nickname in the dolls world? emiliabright, synesthetick on etsy

Where do you live? providence, rhode island

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Except the dolls what do you do in the life? it's complicated... i keep going back and forth between college and working. school is expensive!
Other hobbies? lots of knitting and spinning, photography, drawing and other artsy things

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What are your favourite dolls? pullips and strawberry shortcake. i also have two emerald witches, a reproduction vintage licca, and various others hanging around. someday i would love a lati yellow and pipos curo... maybe even a blythe! (=

Since how long do you collect them? i've been into pullips for about three years, but my strawberry shortcakes (and my little ponies) have been around much longer.

How did you begin your collection? i bought a secondhand chicca pullip from ebay a few months after i discovered pullips, and it all built from there...

What would you like to say about your creations? i love making them! one day i realized i had so many knit hats for my dolls that maybe i should try selling them. i'm so glad i found etsy.

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