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What's your first name?Age?And your nickname in the dolls world?
I'm Natasha - age 34
known as Fern's Closet

Where do you live?
Victoria, B.C, Canada

Except the dolls what do you do in the life?
Other hobbies?
I'm a fashion illustrator and bridalwear designer
I'm always creating something

What are your favourite dolls?
V-Smash (I have two)

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Since how long do you collect them? I bought my first doll in late August of 2007

How did you begin your collection? I first saw them on Etsy and wanted to make clothing for them. I bought V-Smash (my first doll) to use as a model and I also thought it would be a wonderful bonding experience to share with my 4 year old daughter. I soon afterwards bought her a petite Blythe. I now have 8 dolls and I opened a Blythe clothing shop on Etsy in January 2008

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What would you like to say about your creations? I started out making coats because I couldn't find coats for my girls. I'm mostly known for coats but I hope to expand in the near future. My designs are really simple but I love adding handsewn details. I do a lot felt appliques with beading.

More infos about you:
My flickr account name is heflyinghorses

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